The worlds of Agile development and professional coaching come together for the first time to show how organisations become Agile in more than name only. For all leaders, coaches, and change makers.
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Includes a special interview with Lyssa Adkins, author of Coaching Agile Teams.
Praise for Becoming Agile
“Acquiring Agility requires deep disruptive change and so deeper understanding, understanding the needs, seeing the value and therefore making it a part of you is essential. It is a coach’s responsibility to help people, teams and organisations in that journey. Read this book and cherry pick what helps you out. Enjoy!”
Arie van Bennekum, co-author of the Agile Manifesto
“Laura creatively explores the connection of individuals to the whole through the Six Lenses of Systemic Team Coaching, weaves in both theory and practice, and grounds herself in the agile mindset, leaving flexibility for professional coaches to decide how they will apply this learning.”
Ahmed Sidky, Ph.D., President of the International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile)
“The worlds of agile project management and coaching have evolved largely separately — yet each has much to learn from the other. Here we have a pragmatic and readily applicable approach to integrating both concept and practice across these two evolving domains.”
David Clutterbuck, Special Ambassador, European Mentoring and Coaching Council
“This book is perfect for business leaders, entrepreneurs, and indeed anyone new to the world of agile leadership.”
David Taylor, Founder, Naked Leader
Kindle and paperback editions available from Amazon
Paperback and VitalSource eBook editions available from McGraw-Hill Education (use code OPENUP20 for a 20% discount)

About the Author
Laura Re Turner is an accredited coach, trainer, and facilitator who works with leaders and teams to develop an Agile mindset, behaviours, and the skills to thrive through change. Before becoming a coach, Laura delivered enterprise software projects as a project and programme manager, technology consultant, and software developer.