Why most scaling frameworks are a fad that will blow over, Maarten Dalmijn, Medium, 2021.
SAFe explained in 5 minutes, Scaled Agile Inc., YouTube, 2020.
Scaling Scrum with Nexus, Scrum.org.
Monoliths versus Microservices, Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais, Team Topologies, 2019.
Holocracy and Sociocracy, InfoQ, 2019.
Structural Agility, Business Agility Institute, 2020.
Facilitating Emergence and Sensemaking in Organisations, Sahana Chattopadhyay, Medium, 2019.
Project Approach Questionnaire, Agile Project Management, Agile Business Consortium.
The 7S Model, Tom Peters
How Amazon Became Agile, Forbes, 2019.
Structure is Not Organisation (McKinsey 7S), Waterman et al, 1980.