Agile Leadership Coaching

Coaching by FUTURE FOCUS
Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

Agile Leadership Coaching

Agile leadership applies to leaders at all levels to inspire, motivate, and empower others. Your 6-session coaching programme uses an innovative hybrid approach from executive coaching and Agile frameworks to support your professional development and measure results.

“The coaching sessions gave me an opportunity to reflect on my role as a leader and gave me the insight and tools I needed to empower others, build confidence in myself and get the best out of my team.”

“Insightful, practical, and has given me tools, tips and ideas on how to approach specific challenges at work.”

Managing through uncertainty requires an agile mindset and the ability to sense and respond to change. Our world-class Agile Leader Coaching helps you build resilience, think strategically, motivate your teams, and plan for the future. Develop your teams to identify problems and opportunities for you, and to learn from experimenting.

Programme benefits

  • Identify and fix organisational blockers that hinder your product development teams from doing the critical work you need from them, so that you can finally deliver your initiatives on time.
  • Strengthen relationships with your team to ensure your initiative’s purpose and objectives are understood at every level, so that people are empowered to make decisions with creativity and speed.
  • Learn how to adapt your out-of-the-box Agile frameworks so they return the results you expect.

Who is this for?

Recommended for leaders at all levels, heads of development and delivery organisations, innovation teams, PMO (Project Management Office), Centres of Excellence, HR business partners and talent management, and anyone involved in leading a transformation for their organisation to become agile.

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