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Recordings of our Free Webinar Series to Create an Agile Organisation

Catch up on the ones you missed. Our free webinars answer your most important questions about becoming an agile organisation, in 30-minute sessions that you can watch now.

Create an Agile Culture on 21st October 2019

What beliefs, mindset, and behaviours are needed to be successful with agile methods? How do we change the mindset of others? How do we measure success? What can we change in our org structure now?

The Project Manager’s Changing Role on 1st October 2019

Yes we still need project managers in agile organisations that deliver projects. Find out how project managers need to adapt their leadership style to motivate the team, and focus on business outcomes instead of tasks.

Get the Most from Scrum on 10th September 2019

We’ve heard it many times: ‘Are we doing it correctly?’ Find out what really matters in Scrum. Empower your team to learn fast from mistakes, and get new products and services to market quickly.

Is Agile Right for Our Organisation? on 20th August 2019

We look at the basics, such as when to choose Agile over traditional methods, and why you should combine Scrum, DSDM, and Kanban. Which of your existing processes you should keep?

Ready to get started? Contact us. We’ll respond within one business day.

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